Last year my boyfriend and I decided to quit our jobs in Paris, go to explore some of the corners of our beautiful world and after the travel, settling in Mexico City. A not so hard decision to make since we both love traveling and even all the beauty Paris has, we were both looking for new experiences to live. Our adventure lasted 10 months and took us to South America and Southeast Asia. Since we were backpacking, and trekking was an important part on our itinerary, we decided to bring only the essentials. Sadly that didn’t include my laptop. And so I was left with only my travel diary and a waterproof, shockproof compact camera. 10 great months have passed and now my memory card and diary are full with memories that little by little I will share with the hope of being able to help some travelers in their adventures.

Countries visited

countries trip 2105

Total budget 12,400 €
Details will be featured in each country post.

And the lovely song that inspired the post´s title (which landscape I´m sure is inspired by Bagan, Myanmar)